Obviously, we put together apps from the most varied areas such as productivity, organization, finances, or even some of the best apps to make the Mac faster. Pay close attention to all of them, as they are essential for you to have an unforgettable experience with your MacBook. Obviously, if you know more apps that you can recommend, just leave a comment at the end of this article, ok? Let’s go to the list!

1. CleanMyMac

Keeping your MacBook Pro fast is key! If you are not careful to delete duplicate files, delete trash constantly or delete files you haven’t used in a long time, your Apple computer will end up slowing down considerably after 1 to 2 years. CleanMyMac is an excellent application to keep all of your “junk” in order. It is fast, effective and more important of all, it is reliable. With this app, you are sure that only the essentials will remain on your computer. With CleanMyMac, you will be able to sort files by when you’ve last used them and eliminate the oldest ones, schedule cleanings on your MacBook and even delete the heaviest photos from Apple Photos. Its entire environment makes the organization much easier! If you want to know more about this excellent application, just go to its official website!

2. 1Password

The security of your Mac is another crucial factor! As you create accounts for anything and everything, you’ll need a safe place to organize it all. It was to solve this problem that 1Password emerged. With this app, you create a single master password that gives you access to all others. It allows you to store all kinds of information from normal website passwords to credit card passwords. In addition, it keeps track of your security questions on multiple sites. For a few extra dollars, you can even use the app on your iPhone. Follow the link to download one of the best iPad apps!

3. Gemini

One of the biggest problems you will face on your MacBook Pro is duplicate files. How many times do you not download the same file over and over again and when you see it, you have 5 or 6 instances of the same file on your computer? I’m sure I’m not the only one!  Well, as time goes on it slows down your Mac. The best way to combat this is to use Gemini. This (very simple) app has the sole purpose of eliminating duplicate files on your Mac. Just select the folder and tell it to do a search. Then, it indicates the duplicate files and tells you where they are. In the end, just choose which one you want to eliminate. It is one of the best apps to keep your MacBook Pro in tip-top shape and you can download it right now!

4. Evernote

Evernote is not exclusive to Mac, but it is well worth using! Evernote’s job is to create notepads where you write down everything you want to remember later. But it is not just a simple notepad, with features that make it one of the best note-taking apps around. It has everything synchronized in the cloud, allows you to insert images or links, has reminders and you can even share your notes with your team. It is, without a doubt, the best option if you want to remember everything later. Its free version allows you to have almost all its features and can be downloaded here.

5. CloudApp

CloudApp is a tool that allows you to send screenshots and images to other people in just a few seconds. After installing the app, a small icon will stay on your MacBook Pro’s top bar. Then, just drag any file there, and it is sent to the CloudApp servers. A link will be automatically created on your clipboard so you can simply paste it where you want. Very simple and fast, available to download here!

6. PixelMator

Do you want to edit images and are not sure how to do it? This is perhaps the most interesting option among the best apps for your MacBook Pro, especially if we base it on the price and the services it offers. PixelMator is extremely easy to work with, very agile, and has some interesting extras such as symbols pre-created by your community. If you want something more complex and have more knowledge for it, then Photoshop is the best option, but if you want to keep it quick and simple, download PixelMator right now and enjoy one of the best drawing apps for iPad (and Mac, of course).

7. Alfred

It’s my favorite butler! Alfred is an improved Spotlight! With this app, you will be able to do research on the internet, search for files that are on your computer, or even do math! With a simple gesture (defined by you when you first install the app) you can search for everything you want. It has a free version that gives you access to almost everything. If you are a little more demanding, the paid version is also very affordable and can be downloaded through this link!

8. Final Cut Pro

To edit videos, Mac itself brings iMovie. However, it is not the same as… Final Cut Pro! This excellent video editing app has many more features than the native Mac app. It is faster, has a lot of effects and you can make your video a lot more customized. Exporting the video is also very simple and above all, fast! Download Final Cut Pro here to enjoy one of the best apps for your Macbook Pro.

9. Skitch

Skitch is an app created by the same company that created Evernote and it cannot be considered an image editor due to its limitations in terms of functionality, but it is not far from that. Skitch allows you to use the blur function, add text to your image, crop or insert some symbols (squares and circles, for example). Skitch has 2 advantages: the first of all is its simplicity. Any layman in image editing can use it. The second advantage is its speed. It is extremely fast and you can use it with incredible speed. Just drag, edit the image and then drag it back to your desktop. And the best: it’s free and you can download it here!

10. ScreenFlow

If we already have Final Cut Pro on this list and the Mac itself comes with iMovie, why is ScreenFlow here? Another video editor? Well, in fact ScreenFlow is not an ordinary Mac video editor. While the previous 2 that I talked about focus on pure and hard video editing, ScreenFlow is an app created for all those who want to record their computer screen. It automatically generates two videos: one from the screen recording and the other from the MacBook camera recording. In this way, it is possible to record tutorials that appear on the screen and at the same time your face! It costs 99 dollars but if you need to record tutorials, this is one of the best apps to do it on a Macbook Pro, and you can get it here!

11. Growl

Growl is an application that will modify the way you receive notifications on your MacBook Pro. It is true that your own Mac has the option of changing the presentation of your notifications, but with Growl they can be a lot more interesting! In addition, the app allows for great customization that will make your Mac look the best it can possibly look, download it through the link.

12. Adium

Do you want to have all your chats in one place? Adium is an excellent option! With it, you can join all the chats from Facebook, GTalk, Yahoo among many others! This makes your life a lot easier because everything is in one place! Instead of having 5 sites open to use all chats, you just need to have Adium open. In addition, it allows for excellent customization which makes Adium even more interesting. Download here!

13. Feedly

If you want to follow several sites at the same time, Feedly is the best option at the moment. In it, you gather all the sites you want to follow, subscribe to their RSS Feed and then just read the texts! It is very lightweight and has no limit in terms of the number of sites you will be able to track. It was the app that more people migrated to after the end of Google Reader and you can migrate to it as well by following the link!

14. Scrivener

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Then Scrivener is the right app for you! It makes it very easy to write a book, regardless of its literary genre. The app allows you to organize everything into chapters and entry notes. The app owner himself guarantees that it will take you 25% less time while writing your book. Obviously, only consider downloading the Scrivener if you intend to write a book, otherwise, it is not really necessary. If you want, follow this link.

15. Things

Considered by many as the best productivity tool for your Macbook Pro, Things allows you to organize your day and define the tasks that are most important. You can also divide tasks by categories and make it easier to see what you need to do in each of the categories. It also has a quick task entry. Its tagging system is also quite interesting. Despite its slightly higher price, it is worth the test. Check out more here!

16. Self Control

Do you feel like you can’t stop checking your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media app? In this case, it is best to install Self Control. This app allows you to define which sites you are going to block and for how long you are going to block them. Then just activate Self Control and you will no longer be able to access these sites. Even if you disconnect and reconnect the computer, the app will stay on! And to remove this restriction the only way is to delete the app. Very useful for those who have a lack of control over the websites that they visit. The app is, unfortunately, unavailable to be downloaded and installed on the human brain yet, but you can download it to your Mac through this link.

17. iHomeWork

If you have a lot of homework to do and can’t get it organized, this is the ideal app. iHomeWork is the only app that allows you to organize all your homework, enter dates, enter teacher data, and much more. You can also sync it with Apple’s calendar, send reminders to yourself, or create folders about books and leave all your notes there. The best app for students of all ages and you can download it here!

18. Spotify

The Spotify app is one of the most interesting options among the streaming services for music. It’s free, you can organize all your music, it has excellent sound quality and it works with iTunes controls! Just create your account, download the app and organize your music lists. But if you want to know everything about Spotify, the best thing is to read this article about the Spotify tricks and tips that you probably don’t know! It does have a paid subscription that makes it much better, and you can download it by following this link.

Did you like our list of the best MacBook Pro apps?

What about you, what applications for the MacBook Pro do you use? Don’t forget to leave your comment telling us what you think and also see how to play games on a Mac!

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