Luckily for you, there are some pretty simple surefire ways for you to make sure that the battery will last at least a bit longer. Check out our tips down below!

1. Learn how your battery gets used

So you can better understand how to save some juice while using the Galaxy S9, it’s a good idea to know just how it is used daily. You can do so by going to your smartphone’s settings and tapping the Battery option. Next up, you will be able to see all the apps and features that have used most battery in the past few hours or days. With this info, it gets much easier to know what to improve for your own case.

2. Use Doze

All the most recent Androdi versions come with the Doze feature, one that lets your phone recognize the it is not being used and then use less of its features. This ensures you will save at least 50% battery life, so it’s a great idea to keep it on whenever you can to improve it on your Galaxy S9. To do so, you just need to lay your phone face-down.

3. Wi-Fi

We know that most people need to use WiFi frequently, but we recommend that you always turn it off when you won’t use the internet, or when a WiFi connection is unavailable. This way, you can prevent the WiFi from draining your battery needlessly, or that other apps access it to update all the time.

4. Mobile data

Of course the aforementioned tip is also true for 3G and 4G LTE, since they can use up much more battery than the WiFi if they stay on all the time.

5. Bluetooth

Taking into account that Bluetooth is not used much nowadays, it’s just not worth it to leave it turned on all the time. It can also use up a lot of battery just being turned on, so pay attention to it. Of course there’s no problem using Bluetooth if you have accessories that need it, but always try to remember to turn it off when you finish using it to improve your Galaxy s9 battery life.

6. Location services

The location services are much worse than mobile data or Wifi, and it can be one of the worst enemies to your device’s battery. Other than that, there’s no reason to keep it turned on unless you’re using it to go somewhere, for instance. Just turn it off whenever you can, which will ensure you’ll have at least one or two more hours of juice on your phone.

7. Screen brightness

A smartphone’s screen brightness is a feature that only exists so that you can see better in different environments. In places with artificial lights or less-illuminated places, you can tone it down a few notches, while in well naturally-lit places, you should tone it up. For that reason, pay attention to the places you use your phone and always remember to set the brightness properly. Your smartphone’s screen is the thing that wastes the most battery, so there’s no reason to make matters worse with high brightness,

8. Avoid using apps too long

Using the same app for extended periods of time is one of the biggest culprits that might drain your battery on any phone. As such, not doing so is one of the best tips to improve your Galaxy S9 battery life, particularly when you can’t charge it up. The best option is to use the most needed apps for smaller amounts of time, and leave them in the background for when you need them again.

9. Avoid gaming for too long

The previous tip is valid for mobile games, since they tend to be even more demanding than most other apps nowaday. We recommend that you only play games when you’re certain you can charge your phone up right after, or that you choose simpler lightweight games, that you can play in short sessions. While we’re at it, if you like gaming on your Android, check out here some of the best Android games and the best offline Android games!

10. Avoid using widgets

Widgets can come in really handy, all while making your phone more interesting and good-looking. However, they eat up your battery! If you have trouble staying charged up throughout the day, just removing them can help you a lot, being one of the best ways to improve your Galaxy S9 battery life. Of course, if you use some widgets you find necessary, there’s no problem using them, as long as you follow some of the other tips in this list.

11. Avoid watching videos on streaming

Streaming videos online is always a good way to pass your time, but they also drain the battery like no other. Not only do they use the screen and the audio constantly, this type of service requires a constant internet connection. These factors all combined will drain your battery extremely quickly, something you’ve most likely noticed while watching videos in the past. For that reason, save this activity for when you can charge your phone back up!

12. Avoid listening to music via streaming

The same is true for music on streaming. While they are not nearly as demanding as videos, they still use up quite a bit of battery. There’s no trouble listening to your favorite tracks on the way to work or to school, but avoid doing so if you want to improve your Galaxy S9 battery life.

13. Don’t charge for short periods of time

It’s quite common to charge your phone for a smaller period of time just to make sure you have some battery when in a hurry, but this is not a healthy habit for your smartphone. In the long term, this can be very bad for your phone battery autonomy, which can make it much harder to make your battery last for a normal day of use.

14. Turn off automatic updates

Automatic app updates come enabled by default on all Android devices, something that makes your life much easier. However, it eats up a lot of battery. Luckily, it’s super easy to turn it off and on whenever you want directly via de Play Store.

15. Don’t use animated wallpapers

Just like widgets, animated wallpapers are very pretty and make your phone look great. Another similarity these two things share is that they drain up your battery due to being constantly used! For that reason, we recommend you choose to use the stactic wallpapers that come with your Galaxy S9, or any other you could want, Just make sure it’s a still image!

Did you like the tips on how to improve your Galaxy S9 battery life?

Let us know in the comments if we helped you out in making your battery last longer, and don’t forget to see our tips about the best free Android apps, learn what to do when your phone won’t charge, and check out the most common iPhone charging mistakes (most of which also apply for Android!).

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