So enjoy the new feature of TikTok, one of the biggest social networks of the moment, announced in February 2022. The platform will now allow the sharing of videos of up to 10 minutes, but this feature has not yet arrived everywhere. In any case, predicting trends and even being able to dictate them are skills that will make your job considerably easier. But to get there, you need to gain knowledge and experience, especially in content creation. You can start this quest from here! In this guide, we will teach you the first steps you should take to learn how to be famous on TikTok. You will understand the importance of choosing the ideal audience according to what you want to do, and how to have content ideas and suggestions to gain followers on TikTok. Are you willing to learn how to be famous on TikTok? Then write down the steps that we will show you next!

1. Choose an audience and the topics you will address

The first thing to consider when talking about the specifics of TikTok is the target audience, most of whom are between 16 and 25 years old. Does that prevent you from targeting audiences of different age groups? Absolutely not, but it depends on the type of content you produce. Still, to know how to become famous on TikTok, it might be a better plan to target that audience. But age is not the only characteristic you should consider. It is important to choose a topic to address. As your goal is to gain fame, it’s interesting to reach as many people as possible, but without looking like you’re shooting in all directions. Only celebrities have the luxury of getting millions of followers talking about anything that comes to their minds. In this regard, you need to consider two variables when studying what your content on TikTok will look like. They are:

What subjects do you like to talk about? Of these subjects, which ones are the most sought after on TikTok?

You can start by covering a small branch of your preferred subject. For example, if you act well, you can create videos using it, creating fun scenes. If you’re good at makeup, you can create short tutorials. Use a genre of music in your videos, as a general rule, as you want to build an audience, and sticking to what they like is important. Make lip-sync videos if you’re good at it since the foundation of TikTok is lip-sync videos. Want to know how to sort content and branch into small niches? Then check out this article that teaches how to make mind maps, ideal to use in this audience study.

It’s really going to depend on the type of content you make just how important taking advantage of trends will be for you, but it’s still important that some of them are used so you can get followers. TikTok is one of the easiest platforms to follow these trends. As soon as you log into the app, you will already be seeing TikTok’s content recommendations. And that’s exactly the goal: to appear in the desired “For you”. After all, you can easily reach over 30 million people there, which certainly won’t get in the way of your journey to TikTok stardom. That’s because the For You tab is also the application’s home tab. So take a few minutes to scroll through the recommended content. By doing this, you will get a sense of the type of content that is attracting TikTok users. This exercise is the best way to see what’s happening on the network right now, like a TikTok Challenge or new filters and special effects that the platform has made available. There’s also a way to tell if the topics you’re covering are being covered frequently, but we’ll save that for the next tip!

3. Edit your videos

Using video editors is a great idea to get famous on TikTok and it can help you work from home. However, as much as we’ve said it above for inspiration, that doesn’t mean your content should be soulless. In fact, one of the main formulas to know how to become famous on TikTok is to give it your unique touch. Your way of talking, jokes, tone, and even awkwardness are all part of who you are. So it’s important to show a little bit of who you are in the way you broadcast your content. Whether educational or for entertainment. You are a unique person and there are no users other than you. Take advantage of this, as this is a trait that none of TikTok’s millionaire influencers possess. And then use your creativity in editing your videos. For example, try changing the speed of a song and adding filters for a comedic effect. Or use TikTok’s new filters to gain popularity, but that’s only after using external apps to make your videos look professional and sophisticated. Now attention!!! Pay attention to the information in the next tip regarding the tools of the platform itself.

4. Use all of the app’s tools, even more so if they’re new

Something a bit obvious, but to favor you with the TikTok algorithm: it is recommended to use the tools offered by it, especially when they are recent. It’s important that you realize that the app wants you to use what it gives you. And, how to add new filters, effects, and the like? This isn’t all that complicated, although keeping up with what’s new and what’s not is a little difficult. When people see an effect being used for the first time, in a video of yours, they are more likely to want to go to your profile to see more videos and follow you. Even better, when your videos can be reused by other users, such as remixing or reusing your audio, you will be tagged in these posts and more people will know and follow you.

5. Be unique and show your audience things they haven’t seen before

We’ve talked a bit about being unique, but a surefire way to make money on TikTok is to be weird and be comfortable with it. For example, a popular  Brazilian account is itsrichardmoura, who posts the routines of his life as a veterinarian for the most diverse animals. He teaches, educates, brings interesting information and funny things. This type of profile posts can help you and generate prominence amidst the platform’s already super saturated content, ensuring that those who are already sick of seeing more of the same will have something new to watch. It’s also very important that you also create a specific virtual personality, which is strangely rare. Many of the creators simply upload videos of themselves dancing or the like, which isn’t exactly “likable” and doesn’t build connections with audiences. So, uniting your creativity and weirdness along with exposing your personality is an almost certain way to be famous on TikTok!

6. Make sure your videos are not too long

This is very important, as the platform is based on short videos, which typically do not exceed 20 seconds. The platform has invested in increasing these possibilities, to compete with other social networks, such as YouTube, and has brought the possibility of uploading videos of up to 10 minutes. However, since TikTok is all about fun and fast entertainment, this is very important to consider. But remember: not all your content needs to be this short.

7. Add subtitles to your videos

One of the edits you should make to your content is to put subtitles on TikTok videos. Even if its content is only for users who speak the same language, many users access the app with the smartphone volume turned off. This happens for several reasons: they are without headphones on public transport, they are accessing TikTok in the middle of a class or work meeting, or they simply don’t want to bother those next to them. A big bonus of adding subtitles is that it helps make your content be more accessible to more people, so you can learn how to be famous on TikTok internationally!

8. Use the best hashtags

For anyone who wants to know how to be famous on TikTok, learning how to use hashtags and how to choose which ones to use in each of your videos is really important. After all, they also guide searches on this social network and you need to know how to use TikTok hashtags to evolve on the platform. To help with that choice, we have a list of the best hashtags on TikTok. But you can search for the most popular ones by clicking on the “Discover” tab, where you’ll see those associated with the most watched videos of the moment. Join the trend, use the same hashtag and add the most popular song of the moment, which can help get a lot of people to see your videos. However, using only the most popular tags is not a good idea, as this will only result in your content being buried in a sea of ​​similar videos. So choosing carefully what you’re going to put on is really important. By typing the # to add the tag, TikTok itself will show you how many uses it has. But that’s not the only function of this incredibly strategic tool. You can also use them to search for topics that people are commenting on the topic you usually cover. Is your TikTok about video games? So seeing the content that is associated with #videogames will let you know what users are saying about it. That way, you’ll have new post ideas and even know which content format is working best with the audience and niche you’ve chosen. And finally, it is worth mentioning that their importance comes from a few main facts: by adding hashtags, they will classify your videos and will make other users find your videos more easily. In addition, you can create new hashtags for your niche, which will make you stand out!

9. High a ride with the biggest influencers

Of course, there are many stories of people who manage to become famous with a video exploding or simply using their talents. However, this is not true for everyone. In these cases, taking advantage of the biggest influencers, and partnering with them is a good alternative to being famous on TikTok. Basically, the idea is to talk to the most popular influencers so that they promote your account and your videos, which will make their followers pay more attention to you. However, there is the problem of knowing which influencers you can trust, and who will give you the exposure and audience you want. So, the right thing is to evaluate the influencers one by one, only contacting the ones you like on a more personal level, with the ideals that best fit. This, however, can be difficult, as you need to get their attention. Famous influencers receive a lot of messages and are constantly busy, so they have little time to spare. One way to get some visibility from them is to be the first to comment on their new posts. Always comment, ask permission to repost the contents, and try to establish some relationship with them. There are even many influencers who are willing to promote you and help you become famous on TikTok in exchange for payment. For this, it is necessary to invest, but it can be very worth it. Now, if your account already has some fame, contacting more famous influencers might be easier (for example, if you have 200k followers and you contact someone with 500k). With this, both can be promoted and gain more followers in a rather easy way.

10. Keep posting videos on a daily basis

An essential point for anyone who wants to know how to be famous on TikTok is to maintain a consistency of posted videos, without worrying about their reach. This is a trick that almost all of the most popular personalities on TikTok have used to achieve their position. The saying “unseen, unremembered” is true here. You don’t have to force yourself to post every day, especially on days when you’re not well enough to produce content. However, going too long without publishing will cause you to lose reach, engagement, and the followers you worked so hard to gain. The more you post per day, the better it is for you, as your posts are always going to new and different people, which will invariably increase your reach and the extra income you earn. Of course, how often you need to post is dictated by your content. For example, dance, comedy, and lip-sync content need to have at least one video per day, while for more specific things like science experiments, three or four posts a week might be enough. A tip for you to be able to publish content consistently is to use a note app combined with a calendar app. In the first one, you will list all your post ideas. With them written down, you will put each idea on a day in the calendar. Then, choose a day to produce all the content and save it. When the day of publication arrives, just put it online and don’t miss a day. Being consistent is a must for anyone learning how to be famous on TikTok.

Most famous TikTok users gained their popularity out of nowhere, from a video that gained a lot of views. To understand how to be famous on TikTok, you need to take advantage of this, your most popular video, as soon as it explodes. When that happens, there are two options: either you keep posting frequently, with a lot of focus on the quality of the creations, or you miss your chance and have to wait until the next opportunity (if there will be one). In general, posting videos right after one goes viral will guarantee a number of followers that doesn’t stop growing, helping those who want to make money from their fame.

12. Use other platforms to get ahead

On the topic of how to be famous on TikTok, knowing how to use other platforms and social networks to increase popularity is quite important. For example, one thing you can do is create a compilation of all your videos and upload them to YouTube, which can be very helpful. Connecting all social media profiles to your TikTok account makes it easier for all your acquaintances and friends to find you on the platform. Share everything you create on your social networks like Instagram and Facebook with the link to your profile. This will make anyone who doesn’t know you have a TikTok find out about it and give it a like there. Submit your own to YouTube channels that make TiKToks compilations, which can help a lot, as many people go to YouTube to find exactly this type of video. See also: YouTube Shorts: How to use them, where to see them and how long do they last?

13. Make sure your videos are rewatchable and shareable

Both of these things are extremely necessary for anyone who wants to be famous on TikTok, as the algorithm takes this very much into account. When the same user rewatches your videos, TikTok makes them more spreadable. Also, the more it’s shared from your followers, the more the app will spread it – and the more you’ll see it gain followers. But, of course, for this to work you need an audience.

14. Use a service to increase your exposure

The last step in how to be famous on TikTok is to use some of the best services that help its users to better manage their accounts and make you gain more followers in an organic way. What we recommend the most is Stim Social, used by creators in the most varied topics, such as food, beauty, and e-commerce to attract new followers through complete tools. It also helps drive traffic to your website (if you have one), increase your influence and even increase sales. To see more about it, just go to the official website through the link and enjoy the five days of free trials!

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